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Wrapping Up 2014 and Looking Ahead

Just a few days ago, the Detroit Yacht Club Foundation concluded its third year of fund raising. As a result of the deadlines for Main Sheet articles, we are not able to report our year-end fund raising results in this month’s article. We are continuing to record contributions mailed in the last few days of 2014 and will soon be able to report results. However, the Foundation Trustees and I are happy to say we had a significant number of new donors in 2014, as well as several past donors who increased their contributions and others who extended or made pledges into future years.

2014 was a notable year for our Foundation. Some highlights were:

  • Completion of the bulk of the first significant Seal the Envelope project to address major water intrusion and cosmetic issues at the clubhouse east end. Remaining work in this area will be included in the spring 2015 work program.

  • Continuing restoration in the ladies locker room funded by designated donations and First Ladies funding.

  • Initiation of a Matching Gift program to increase the leverage of donors’ gifts by 50%. All of us are grateful to Jim and Patti Anderson for their support of this program and their long-term commitment to restoration of our clubhouse.

  • Planning and cost estimating the next restoration phase (Phase II) to include the last of the roof leak repairs, restoration of nearly all of the clubhouse’s south face and tower, and building a more appropriate accessible front entrance for members and guests.

  • Substantial participation of numerous new advisors and volunteers in the work of the Foundation, reflecting a growing recognition of the importance of building preservation in the life and the future of the DYC.

Upcoming for 2015

We will be engaged with final specification, bidding and confirmation with the DYC Board on the timing and execution of Phase II restoration in the late winter and spring, with the scope adjusted as needed to reflect available Foundation funds and reserve needs.

Work has begun on an overall clubhouse restoration plan that will provide a comprehensive view of everything that needs to be done on both the outside and the inside of our historic building. This will enable the “long view” of how this work should be phased and its total capital requirements. The plan will feed into a long term restoration financial model.

Mark your calendar/save the date for the 2015 DYC Foundation Gala on Saturday evening, June 13, 2015. We are planning a great event you won’t want to miss… more details to follow in the coming weeks. If you would like to help with this event, please let Robin Heller or Mary Ann Motyka know, email us at or call 313 757-5240.

On behalf of my fellow trustees (Robin Heller, Sean Murphy, Greg Nowak, John Savage, and Ed Theisen) and our numerous advisors and volunteers, best wishes for a healthy, happy and productive 2015.

Mark Lifter

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